21: ...Motion Pictures: The Tech

The ability our brain has to take still frames in rapid succession and turn them into fluid motion is a trick of it's own. The technology that captures those still frames is sheer magic. Listen in as we go back in time to the late 1800's and discover the origins of the motion picture.

Today's episode is dedicated to the wonderful Adam West. A man, a bat, a legend.


20: ...View Askewniverse

Dave bubbles over with full frontal fandom. This week the film universe inhabited by Jay and Silent Bob is explored.


http://www.ilovecouragemylove.com Tell 'Em Steve-Dave Challenged us to write a song to Walt Flanagan's lyrics....this is...I SELL COMICS!! Music and Melody by Courage My Love Lyrics by Walt Flanagan Produced by Chris Perry Recorded at The Pocket Studios, Toronto, Canada Lyrics: I SELL COMICS What manner of creature stands behind this counter Man or machine is the big mystery and with every transaction I cement my place in history.

19: ...Charles Babbage

Charles Babbage designed one of the first computers but never lived to see it built. Here's a demo of one of the two in the world that work. This one is at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California, USA, and here they fire it up (well, crank it up) and explain a bit about it.

17: ...Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)

Isaac is back in the pilot seat this week to give an overview of the LCD. A display with a universal impact.