45: ...Sinkholes

See that little dip in your lawn? Imagine that under your bedroom. And collapsing to the point of swallowing you up and never being recovered. Good luck out there, the earth is eating us.

44: ...The First "Super Bowl"

On January 15th, 1967 the AFL and NFL went head to head for the first time in a national championship.

43: ...Carry Amelia Nation

Alcohol and Tobacco had no place in the heart of a God fearing American. Carry Nation understood this.

42: ...Drinking in America

Through America's history we've drank... A lot

41: ...Chef Bruno

Dave and Isaac were a little down before recording their Net Neutrality episode. So the day before they talked about that issue the two had a light heart conversation about card games. Oh yeah, and a modern day saint. He goes by the name of Bruno.